Trans* Guide MB

Name/Gender Marker Changes

Last changed: November 26, 2023

This guide covers changing your legal name and gender marker (sometimes referred to as a “sex designation”) on government-related documentation that contains those records. It aims to cover most situations for Manitoba residents, but may not be exhaustive.


This guide does not provide specific details for changing your name/gender marker outside of government-related documentation. Please check in with any other organizations you may need to change your name/gender marker with, where applicable, for details and requirements.


On documents where they are available, if you are changing your gender marker to “X” or undisclosed/" " (a blank space), not all jurisdictions or organizations other than the issuer may accept the marker or your new documentation.

The order in which you will need to change your documents varies depending on whether you want to change your name and/or your gender marker. A comprehensive list of places where you may need to change one or both can be found further below.

Changing Both Your Name and Gender Marker

Start at the Manitoba Vital Statistics Branch by applying for your change of sex designation, which will require a letter from a healthcare practitioner, and your change of name.

Once you have received your documentation from Vital Statistics, use it within 15 days to obtain your new Manitoba driver’s licence/Identification Card, which will be your first piece of photo ID.

While you wait, you can apply to change your Manitoba Health Card, which will only require your new documentation from Vital Statistics.

Applying for most other documents will require, or will be made easier, by having at least one piece of photo ID. Your driver’s licence/identification card can be used for this.

Changing Only Your Name

Start by applying for a change of name through the Manitoba Vital Statistics Branch.

Once you have received your new documentation from Vital Statistics, use it within 15 days to obtain your new Manitoba driver’s licence/Identification Card, which will be your first piece of photo ID.

While you wait, you can apply to change your Manitoba Health Card, which will only require your new documentation from Vital Statistics.

Applying for most other documents will require, or will be made easier, by having at least one piece of photo ID. Your driver’s licence/identification card can be used for this.

Changing Only Your Gender Marker

Your driver’s licence/ID card and passport do not need any prior documentation to change your gender marker.

Apply for a change of sex designation, which will require a letter from a healthcare practitioner, through the Manitoba Vital Statistics Branch. Once you have your new documentation, you can use it to apply to change your Manitoba Health Card.

Not all documents, services or places keep gender markers on file. This goes especially for documents not related to healthcare or issued by a government agency.

Where to Change Your Name/Gender Marker

This is a list of places where you may have to change your name/gender marker. Most only keep your name, and not your gender marker, on file. If there is anything that is not on this list that should be, please let us know!


Some organizations may require you to inform them of any updates as early as possible, or within a set number of days, after a legal name and/or gender marker change. Check with each organization that applies to you to find out their requirements.

Document or organizationName?Gender marker?
Manitoba Vital Statistics Branch (e.g. birth certificate, change of sex designation)✔️✔️
Manitoba driver’s licence/Identification Card✔️✔️
Manitoba Health Card✔️✔️
SIN record✔️✔️
Canadian passport✔️✔️
Canada Revenue Agency✔️
Status card (e.g. Certificate of Indian Status)✔️✔️
Immigration status documents (e.g. study/work permit, permanent resident card)✔️✔️
Elections Manitoba✔️
Elections Canada (is automatically handled by the National Register of Electors)✔️
Manitoba vaccination card✔️
Your workplace (which may include employer-sponsored health insurance, a labour union, a pension plan, etc.)✔️Varies
Housing (e.g. landlord, mortgage)✔️
Insurance (e.g. motor vehicles/Manitoba Public Insurance, home insurance, tenant’s insurance)✔️Varies (✔️ for MPI)
Financial institutions (e.g. banks, credit cards, investments, PayPal)✔️
Utilities (e.g. water bill, Manitoba Hydro, internet/TV/phone)✔️
Healthcare providers (e.g. family doctors, dentists, optometrists)✔️Varies
Schooling (e.g. universities/colleges, primary/secondary schooling)✔️